Whats the 411: Nicki Minaj "Did it on em" lyrics

Hello Blog Lovers! I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!! I unforntually had a busy one as usual and Im trying to recover from being under the weather. This post is about an issue that was brought to my attention via YouTube and it has to do with hair issues and one of our very own female mcs that just dropped her debut album. This is my honest opinion and I will try my hardest to not be bias because I am a Nicki Minaj fan for several reasons. I will discuss those reasons later on in the post.

This morning as I always do, I check my twitter, youtube, facebook, and email just to see what went down between the hours that I was sleeping. One of my favorite Youtube Gurus African Export posted a new video which was in my must watch section of my youtube page and I clicked it because I love to hear what she has to say and because it was about Nicki Minaj. African Export keeps it 100 all the time. She doesn't stray away from that and she doesn't sugar coat anything for anyone. That's what I love about her because I love to do the same thing. Her video was in response to another youtuber who made a video about Pink Friday as an album review. However, she only focused on the one song that stood out to her and not all the other ones (which didn't make it an album review). The particular song that is up for discussion is the third song off of the Pink Friday Album entitled Did it on Em. I actually like the song, I thought it was catchy and what stood out to me the most was the hook.  There is a line with in the song that goes something like this:

"I'm the terminator bitch talk slick Imma have to terminate her
These little nappy headed hoes need a perminator."

The overall discussion now is that Nick Minaj is a Natural Hair Hater. The Youtuber that brought the lyrics to the forefront also says that there is a hype man in the back ground who is co-signing what she says and is singing the Just For Me Relaxer theme song (Wow who would have thought that little tape that was included inside of every relaxer kit would have still have such an impact today) I didn't hear the song being song over Nicki's bars that she was rapping but I did hear the hype man the few times I have the CD in rotation. I wasn't offended and even if I was natural I wouldn't be offended. I don't know her she don't know me so it would have been just a song to me I wouldn't have felt she hated me because I chose to be natural. I don't feel she is a natural hair hater. If you viewed her documentary that was shown on MTV with her family it appears that some of them may be naturals which would be absurd for her to hate natural hair because she appeared to just simply adore her family members.  I am so confused because in my opinion the whole album from start to finish is her basically expressing herself on  a lot of issues that reflect what she has been going through for the last few years she has been in the industry. A lot of her lyrics are directed towards those who have doubted her as an artist, lyricist, and as an individual. If you have been one that keeps up with the media you should be aware of her beef with Lil Kim and other lyricist that have dissed her instead of supporting her. In my opinion the song is basically her talking smack to whomever she felt like talking about. I didn't feel that she was talking about the entire Natural Hair Community.

She is a lyricist that is known for her catchy off the wall lyrics and this is one of those lyrics. She isn't afraid to say what others aren't afraid to say and her style is off the wall and her hair matches her lyrical expression. She is Nicki Minaj and she isn't afraid to push the envelope and be her. That's why I like her as an artist. She keeps it girlie and fun. I am not into the whole Barbie thing because I stop playing with barbies a long time ago but I think its cute. Dolls a pretty..barbies are pretty...they are adorned...and I Iconic and I think that is the idea behind the barbie wave even if some of us don't get it. I think this is overall a case of something that was said that was taken out of context like everyone does nowadays on a regular basis. This isn't the case with the basket ball coach who was white and everyone on the team is African American. However I am not saying because Nicki Said it  is better or okay..but what I am saying is the context behind it isn't the same.

Whats more relevant than downsizing Nicki's album sales by protesting and hating her now because of the song on the album??? Glad you asked and are willing to listen.... Global Issues, Poverty, and what really affects the African American Community such as: HIV Aids, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Cancer, Dead Beat Dads, and a whole lot more that I care not to mention.
I think that is more relevant than this issue period. Hair is an accessory and should not be the epicenter of your being. Yes I am for embracing your hair and taking care of it. I am also for embracing everyone as a whole and also being real rational. To jump the conclusion that she hates natural hair is irrational to me. The time wasted getting upset about what she said and what she represents could have been used on spreading awareness about relevant issues. Its time to stop letting what others think of us and say about us become relevant. The statement, feelings, thoughts, and concerns of others about who you are as a person and individual is irrelevant.  RuPaul said it best when he said what others think and say about me is none of my business. I have adopted that and I think it says a lot when you can live your life for who you are and not for others.
  My question for everyone is this How do we not know she isn't natural??? So how can we say she is a Natural Hair Hater??
 She wears wigs and extensions and I know a lot of women who are natural underneath but choose to wear wigs and keep it that way.  We are all doing our own thing lets support each other and embrace each other. I mean lets be real people!!

I am sorry this is long but I had to blog about this and share because it is about Hair. Durrr.   But stay tuned for more fun and intersting things! Love yourself and be Happy about who you are!!

The links to the video:

Original Video:
African Export: Her response to the video

Link to actual song: (It is tweaked a little because it doesn't sound like that on the album)
 (The lyrics to the whole song is in the description box)

Thanks for reading! Leave Comments! Tell a Friend!! and Hit the Follow button!! Peace and Blessings
~β™₯ Miss Nicβ™₯~

SN: What's the 411 will be media segments that will appear periodically and sporadically as I feel the need to report. The main focus here is Hair and Fashion and if its not hair or fashion related I not going to be vocal about it.