Hair Do's and Don'ts

I know it's been a long time since I've blogged. I've had a lot going on. I just wanted to share with you some hair do's and dont's that I ran across in my Hype Hair magazine.

Hair Do's
  1. Vist a professional for an opinion about your hair health
  2. Use products that are for your hair type
  3. Sleep with a Satin bonnet or scarf to keep your hair from drying out
  4. Condition the hair regualrly to keep the scalp and hair moisturized
  5. Get Rid of Split ends!!! (Trim your hair on a regular basis preferrably after a relaxer retouch when everything is straight and the fresh)
Hair Don'ts
  1. Use elastic Rubber bands for pony tails. This is very damaging
  2. Use heat styling tools without a heat-protectant product
  3. Excessively comb or brush the hair, this can cause breakage
  4. Don't use alcohol-based products this will dry the hair out.
  5. Leave Weaves and extensions in the hair for more than 2-3 months at a time.